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Package for Indentity Photo Shooting

Whatsapp Enquiry:

+ 852 5980 8087

學生相/入學相套餐 Indentity Photo Package $300

  • 只供一位兒童拍攝
    For 1 kid only

  • 15 分鐘拍攝
    15 minutes shooting

  • 提供 1 個背景
    1 Background

  • 1 張精修數碼檔案(JPG)
    1 fine retouched digital file (JPG) 

附加服務及收費 Additional Services & Charges:

  • 額外精修數碼檔案 每檔 $50
    Extra fine retouched digital file $50 /file

  • 所有原色相底 $300
    All original digital files (JPG) $300

  • 九宮格表情相連框 $799
    9-Grid Photos with Frame $799 

  • 化妝及髪型 每位 $500
    Make-up and hair styling $500 /head 

  • 星期六、日或公眾假期拍攝 $200
    Shooting on Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday $200 

Policy for booking, re-schedule or refund

  1. 顧客確認預約,需先交付最少$500訂金。
    Booking will be confirmed after costumer putting down a deposit of minimum $500. 

  2. 所有訂金,恕不退還。訂單在一年內有效。
    Deposit is not refundable.  Order will be valid within 12 months. 

  3. 顧客因事取消預約,需繳付行政費用:​
    ​A admin fee will be charged if Costumer cancel booking: ​

    • 少於2星期通知 - 每次$200

      less than 2 weeks notice - $200 each time​

    • 即日通知 - $500

      on shooting day - $500

    • 如出示醫生證明,有關行政費減半
      50% discount on admin fee if a medical certificate is shown.​​

  4. 如有任何爭議,本公司將保留所有優惠及最終決定權。
    In case of any dispute, the company reserves the rights of all offerings and final decision.​

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